
RIB to Investigate Allegations of Sexual Harassment in Tour du Rwanda

The Rwanda Investigation Bureau (RIB) has announced that it will investigate the allegations made in the International Cycling Union (UCI) Tour du Rwanda.

This was announced on Wednesday, February 21, 2024, when the institutions involved in the judiciary held a meeting with journalists who cover stories related to the judiciary.

This comes after some women working for different organizations in Tour du Rwanda claimed to have been sexually harassed to secure jobs in the competition.

RIB has stated that it will follow up on these allegations raised in this International Competition held in Rwanda for the 16th time since it became International.

While some of those who shared the story claim to have been harassed, RIB says that no one has reported it officially.

However, it has indicated that it will enter into the matter after it has been raised by different people at least once

Fetched from Umuseke Kinyarwanda article
