
Cross-Border Incident: Bullets from DRC Hit Rwandan Territory,Resident Injured

The Rwandan military has announced that bullets fired from the Democratic Republic of Congo have landed in the Rwandan territory in the Rubavu district. There is also a report of a civilian being wounded, who is currently receiving treatment at the Cyanzarwe Health Center.

These bullets are believed to have been fired by members of the Wazalendo group who are said to be fighting in the Kanyaruchinya area. The group has expressed its refusal to target Rwanda.

The civilian was shot at around 12:30 PM. Rwanda has reiterated its commitment to stop any cross-border activities by the Congo government and armed groups, particularly those that pose a threat to its security.

It’s worth noting that some members of this armed group were involved in the 1994 Rwandan Genocide against the Tutsi, and they are now together with others attempting to destabilize Rwanda.

This incident is not the first of its kind, as in 2012, there were heavy confrontations between the FARDC and M23, resulting in numerous heavy bomb impacts on Rwandan territory, along with ongoing incidents like looting and repeated violence.
