
M23 Movement Condemns Kinshasa Regime’s Ceasefire Violation Amid Escalating Tensions

In a press release today, the M23 Movement Directorate acknowledges the recent announcements of SADC (Southern African Development Community) forces engaging rebels in Eastern DRC.

The movement expressed gratitude to Regional Leaders and International Partners for their peace efforts while highlighting the Kinshasa regime’s ceasefire violation.*

  1. The press release states that the M23, having respected the imposed ceasefire, faced attacks from Kinshasa forces, resulting in the loss of two commanders. With reports of Kinshasa shifting to aerial warfare and the FARDC claiming a drone strike against the #M23 Spy Chief, tensions have escalated.

In response to SADC’s engagement, the M23 asserts that it understands the gravity of the situation and vows to respond accordingly. The ongoing conflict underscores the challenges faced by all parties involved and the critical need for diplomatic solutions.
